Friday, December 18, 2009

Building Forts

Gavin and his Daddy built a fort over the weekend and had so much fun playing chase!

Army crawl!

Having SO much fun!

Happy Birthday, Nana T!

Nana T's birthday was yesterday so we ate a chocolate cupcake in her honor last night. Hope she is having fun in Denver for girls weekend!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mommy's Elf

Gavin helped me string Christmas lights....maybe this is why there is only one string of lights in the house this year.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Elf Yourself

This is a fun site! Too funny..check out what I made with Kiffin's photo..HA!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Scratches & Scrapes

Gavin took a tumble down the front step yesterday morning on our way out the door. I felt so bad! He tried to step off the small porch step without hanging on to the railing because he was excited about seeing the neighborhood kitty that always comes over to visit. His hands might have somewhat broken the fall, but he has a scrape on his forehead and his entire nose looks like the top layer of skin was scraped off. :(

Just in time for his 1st birthday pictures on Saturday!

Right now the camera is lost so I don't have any pics to share. Maybe that is a good thing.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


We have been waiting anxiously to find out this baby’s gender. We weren't able to tell at the 18 week full ultrasounds, so we convinced Dr. Barbour to do an ultrasound to see if we could determine the gender today. However, just like the ultrasound tech and the radiologist who looked last time, Dr. Barbour had a hard time making a determination of boy or girl.

The baby is breech with its bottom way down in my pelvic area, which makes it hard to see many angles of the baby’s pelvic area. Really the only angle he could see was as if you were looking directly down on the baby if it was laying on its back. Because we couldn’t get a profile angle it makes it hard to see a penis if there is one.

It could be a boy or it could be a girl. Surprise! In the meantime we figured this baby needs a name. Since Gavin's nick name is G-Unit (Gavin Unit) we decided this baby should be B-Unit (Baby Unit).

Monday, November 9, 2009

Gavin's 1st Birthday

We had such a fun weekend with our ONE YEAR OLD! We can't believe he is one. We brought him home a year ago yesterday on 11/9.
There are a ton of pictures on our Picasa album. Click on the link to the right to access the Koester Family Photos.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Today Little Man is ONE! Can you believe it?!? He was born a year ago at 10:49pm. He is such a special edition to our family. He brings so much joy and so much laughter to our lives. We can't imagine life without him!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

Pictures are posted in our family album. Click on the link to the right that says "family photos"!

Our sweet giraffe loved his costume and the Halloween festivities!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Festivities

Over the weekend Gavin got his first haircut, we went to the pumpkin patch with friends, and Scott and I had a date night. Here are a few pics from our fabulous weekend!

Date Night!

Pumpkins with Sawyer

My first haircut! The lady did a great job, but I must say needs some hair help herself! :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

11 months old today!

Today Gavin is 11 months old! I can not believe it was only (almost) a year ago he was born! Here are a few pictures taken today. Look at all of those teeth! The dishwasher picture...Scott was supposed to be supervising, but apparently Gavin was calling the shots! He crawled up ON the dishwasher lid.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

On the Market

Our house is on the market! We are hoping to sell it this fall so we can build a new home on a lot (pictured) we bought about a year ago in RiverPlace. It is a fully developed golf-course community and our lot backs up to a preserve with a stream that runs through. We are excited about the prospect of building a new home, but aren't getting too anxious yet until we have luck selling our house on Beverly. Feel free to pass along the listing.

More Pics!

Our August/September pictures are now posted to Picasa. Either click the link on the right that says Koester Family Photos, or visit


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Husker fans

Thanks to Brayden Beck for my new Nebraska jersey! I got to wear it and watch football with my Papa, Megan & Kiffin last weekend. After the game we played on the golf course and in the sand trap. It was great fun and I convinced my parents to buy me a sand box!

Labor Day

It's still September, so this post isn't too out of date. Over Labor Day Ashley and Courtney came to visit so we spent the weekend with the Koester siblings. So much fun! Sawyer and Gavin enjoyed playing together with Sawyer's new trike. Gavin wanted to push it but it needed some weight on the front, so Sawyer filled the role. The first video is Gavin pushing Sawyer around the driveway...with much supervision! The second video is Gavin (with no shirt) pushing Sawyer (with no pants). Who dresses these children?

One more makes 4

We are having another baby in early March!! And we are going to find out the gender....soon! Here's a picture of Gavin's sibling...

Heres to catching up our blog readers

I realized I haven't made a post since the beginning of August. oops!
So, here goes with news, photos, videos. We have it all...just a little late.
Stay tuned readers it's 3:30 am on a Saturday and I can't sleep!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

More Videos of our little boy

Gavin is turning into quite the boy! Watch him play catch with Scott and push his high-chair - two new hobbies!

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Yesterday Gavin successfully took a few steps! We caught a few moments of his latest trick on video tonight.

Yes, this child does have clothes, but he just finished eating and we had to strip him and wipe him down....hence the diaper only attire before pj's. :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009


note to self....stop drinking coffee at 5:00pm! but in self defense, i don't drink coffee that often, so when I do I am a bit disfunctional at placing my order. there are just so many stats...that the most important was left off the order.....DECAF!!!!


Friday, May 29, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Creep or Crawl?

Lately...Gavin has been creeping along by grabbing on to the carpet and pulling himself forward. He has also been getting up on his knees and rocking back and forth. Even doing 180's on his tummy. All signs of wanting to move.

This weekend he started moving forward on his knees. He favors pulling his left knee forward and kind of drags the right. So maybe we will call this "creeping". But he is definitely moving!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

May Photos...

...are posted. Click on Family Photo link over there to the right and check um out. Gavin's first (and second) swim, Mother's Day, 6 month birthday, etc.

April pics were just posted tonight too, so flip through that album as well for more never-seen-before pics!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day Oh Nine

April Pics Posted

Our April Album is posted. Click over there in the right nav. bar on Koester Family Album and see the pics of Gavin's 5 mo. birthday, Easter, Nana T video, etc.

Mid-May pics to be uploaded soon too!

Monday, April 27, 2009

I (heart) my Nana T!

Thanks for coming to visit me Nana T! I love when you babysit me.
Love, Gavin

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

5 Month Milestones

Gavin is five months old! We can't believe it. He started rolling over on Sunday. He did it once in the morning, then in the evening before he went to bed he did it 6 or 7 more times -- we lost count! Apparently he has places to be and needs a way to get there! :) Video attached.

We also started giving him baby rice cereal last night to celebrate his 5-month birthday. He was starting to wake up in the middle of the night and early morning because he was hungry. So, the cereal will fill his belly a bit more before he goes to bed. I'm not quite ready for him to move to solid food yet, but he wants to ramp up to pizza eventually. And I hear that you should stop breast feeding before they go to college, so onward to up purees.

Friday, April 3, 2009

March Photos

Our March photos are posted on our web album. Click the link to the right that says Koester Family Photos to see them.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy Birthday, Scott!

Happy Birthday to the BEST Husband and Daddy ever! WE LOVE YOU!!
joslen & gavin

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cowboy Koester

A dear high school friend, Rachael Taylor, came to visit this weekend for her spring break and to meet Gavin. We were so thrilled we made it on her last-spring-break-ever agenda. Rachael is graduating from law school from the University of Wyoming in May. She decked Gavin out with a WY Cowboys onsie - Go Pokes, and he wanted to wear his cowboy boots with it to be just like is uncle, Kiffin!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Baby Laughs are the best

Gavin laughing is one of the sweetest sounds!

March 6 - I'm 4 months old!

March 6th marked Gavin's 4-month birthday. Here are a few pics of that day. He is learning to sit-up and we were able to capture the moment before he tumbled! Check out the link to the right to view more Koester family photos!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Lent, or is it Lint? :) I was thinking about giving up cheese for Lent. I'm thinking that will be ridiculously hard, especially given the amount of pizza we eat. Quick, I need some suggestions for what to sacrifice during Lent. Giving up cheese means giving up pizza...I wasn't planning on giving up pizza!

Another question, when you give something up, do the rules state that you can indulge on that something on Friday's or Sunday's during Lent, or do you have to give it up the whole time? Where is the rule book on this subject?!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Manic Monday

We are hoping to hit the reset button on the week was a Manic Monday! Started off with projectile spit-up all over the bed and floor. After spot cleaning the sea-grass rug (not easy to clean) and new bed spread we were off to change a diaper...when the little man decided to pee on the wall and all down the back side of the dresser. With so much activity before 8:00am we thought the day might be back on track. Not so lucky, Gavin, proceeded to get bit by a "friend" at day care! With that kind of friend, who needs enemies?! The good news is that he is fine! Just a little red mark. It couldn't have hurt much at all, probably just startled him. So, the accomplishment of the day = first "incident report" from day care. Rack one up in the "first" column.

Happy (early) FAT TUESDAY!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Broken-mobile :(

The Audi is trusty soldier...she survived a break-in this weekend. She was parked in front of our house and someone made their way inside the car and tried to forcefully remove the stereo! The Audi came out with the victory, but was a little damaged. Who tries to steal car stereos these days? As Kiffin said, that is so 80's! Anyway....she is lookin a bit tattered, but has new tires to help spruce her up! Grandpa Kelly would be proud. I think a mini-van could be in my near future..........

Monday, February 16, 2009

Another Man's Shoes

Kiffin, thanks for getting my Daddy these cool shoes. Can't wait until I grow into them! -GUnit

Friday, January 30, 2009

Lunch Ladies

Thanks, Schematic Ladies, for taking me to lunch! Serena, congrats on your engagement and thanks for the the good laugh about Joaquin getting on BOTH knees to propose!

Peanut Butter is to Jelly as Waterproof Mascara is to Day Care

....gigs up! Today is my first day back at work and Gavin's first full day at day care. I attempted to ween he and I both on to the routine early this week so that today wouldn't be so hard. In hind sight, that was like peeling the band-aid off slowly vs. the quick rip!

Monday I dropped Gavin off for an hour...I was in pretty good spirits but needed to call Scott and my Mom for support....just a few tears. Wednesday I dropped him off for about three hours....bawled my eyes out before I could even get out the door...the teacher had to give me a hug, and my hair-cut lady gave me a glass a wine while she did my hair to relax me! Thursday I dropped him off for two hours while I went to an eye appointment. He and I did just tears on my end that is. So, I thought today would be easy, especially since Scott was doing the drop. Well, Gavin was such a sweetie this morning. He was so cuddly when he woke up, so happy all morning...smiling and laughing all the way out the door with his Daddy. Mommy cried before the boys got out the door...then my Dad called me and I could hardly speak to him. Thanks for the call, Dad! I really appreciate you checking on me this morning and crying with me! :) I was able to get a little of eye make-up on. Why? So I could cry it off in the car and when I got to work. Kelly (my Director), thanks for the big hug this morning!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Decaf Only!

So.....I don't drink much coffee or anything caffeinated for that matter, and it really should stay that way. For some reason Gavin just won't fall asleep tonight....he is wide-eyed, active, just wants to say up....really out of character for him at this hour. Well I did drink a bit of coffee this morning that Scott made because it just smelled so good! Do you think there may be a connection? :)
No more caffeine for me.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


We are blog rookies and not sure what to even write about........can we just post pictures???

Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy New Year!

So we are a bit late with the new years greeting, and we hope 2009 has been a good one, thus far, for our family and friends. One of our new years resolutions is to keep our blog current and keep in touch with our family and friends.
